
Salviamo l´ambiente. Riduciamo la plastica. Aiutiamo le famiglie.
Die Umwelt schützen. Weniger Plastikabfall. Helfen wir den Familien.
Save the environment. Reduce plastic waste. Help the families.


In negozi, ristoranti o case private che hanno questo simbolo all'ingresso, puoi riempire la tua bottiglietta d'acqua gratuitamente.

In Geschäften, Lokalen oder auch Privathäusern, die dieses Symbol am Eingang haben, kann man als Reisender kostenlos die Wasserflasche auffüllen.

In shops, restaurants or private houses that have this symbol at the entrance, you as a traveller can fill up your water bottle free of charge.


Dove trovi questo simbolo, puoi riempire la tua bottiglia d'acqua gratuitamente o allattare il tuo bambino o cambiare i suoi pannolini.

Wo Du dieses Symbol am Eingang findest, kannst Du kostenlos Deine Wasserflasche auffüllen oder auch das Baby stillen und ihm die Windeln wechseln.

Where you have this symbol at the entrance, you can top up your water bottle for free or feed your baby or change his nappies.

Dove trovi questo simbolo, puoi allattare il tuo bambino o cambiare i pannolini.
Wo Du dieses Symbol  findest, kannst Du das Baby stillen und/oder die Windeln wechseln.
Where you find this symbol, you can top up your water bottle for free or feed your baby or change his nappies.


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Contact us if you are interested - thank you.


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